Affiliate membership is available to individuals who have a minimum of 48 months of relevant work experience. Affiliate membership equips you with practical benefits to grow your career, achieve your professional goals, and get and stay ahead in the investment profession.


An affiliate member of the society must fulfill the following conditions:
  • have 48 months of acceptable professional work experience in investment decision making,
  • agree to and sign the Member’s Agreement and Professional Conduct Statement,
  • provide sponsor statements from two regular members of the society,
  • fulfill such other requirements as the society may impose consistent with requirements established by CFA Institute, and
  • be accepted for affiliate membership by CFA Institute.

Member Benefits

Affiliate membership equips you with practical benefits to help you stay ahead in the investment profession and connect with like-minded peers.

Gain Professional Recognition

Your affiliate membership in CFA Society Nigeria demonstrates your commitment to professional excellence, giving you recognition as an authoritative and actively engaged investment professional.

Expand your knowledge

Stay ahead by developing your knowledge and keeping up-to-date with the latest industry insights:
  • Attend educational events and conferences.
  • Gain access to our society library services and members-only resources at the society office.
  • Enhance your professional development.
  • Access our quarterly newsletters and society updates.
  • Enjoy concessionary subscription rates to online publications and financial journals, when available.

Connect with like-minded peers

Grow your professional network by connecting with peers and senior executives in the investment industry in Nigeria:
  • Attend free networking events.
  • Connect on LinkedInFacebook, and Twitter.
  • Join a special interest group to learn more about topics you are interested in or passionate about.
  • Get involved in the investment community as a volunteer.

Access new and exciting career opportunities

Take advantage of our career support services and our collaboration with leading recruiters to gain access to new job opportunities.

Kindly note that you will need to create a CFA Institute account when applying for affiliate membership. Click here to learn more about Membership

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